Our professionals know that human resources are key to a company achieving its objectives, carrying out projects and ensuring success. They are also familiar with all the common issues that come along with this asset for their various clients and the disputes that may arise from these issues.
Our team of professionals act as employer representatives, particularly in matters regarding dismissals and disciplinary measures, non-competition, individual or collective layoffs and occupational health and safety. In unionized environments, they intervene in matters of union certification, collective agreement negotiations, labour disputes, arbitration of disputes and grievances. They also advise employers in the drafting, application and interpretation of individual employment contracts and collective agreements.
In all these areas, they are called upon to apply various laws, including the Act Respecting Labour Standards, the Labour Code and the Canada Labour Code, the Act Respecting Occupational Health and Safety, the Act Respecting Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases and the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.
As such, they regularly appear before all administrative authorities in labour relations matters as well as before arbitration tribunals and courts of law, including the Supreme Court of Canada.
Lawyers in this sector work in collaboration with their business law colleagues to review employer obligations in the context of the acquisition or sale of businesses, both under employment contracts (management stock option plans or profit-sharing plans) and under collective agreements, group insurance plans and pension plans.
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