KSA Lawyers + Notaries, a network of experts

The professionals at KSA Lawyers + Notaries are committed to offering high-quality services that exceed your expectations—on time, every time.

Our services
Construction law

Our professionals specializing in construction law have many years of experience in litigation related to construction work. They are regularly called upon to appear before civil and specialized courts in matters of construction defects, latent defects and claims, and to appear before different work-related authorities.

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Business law

Our business law professionals draw on their extensive experience in commercial transactions, and for some, their background in common law, to help our clients, including businesses of all sizes, with local, provincial, national and international transactions.

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Real estate law

Our experts can assist you in every legal aspect of your commercial and residential projects, including implementing easements and acquiring or preserving a certificate of authorization from the government authorities that oversee environmental issues. They will guide you through the laws, rules and standards relevant to your real estate projects in terms of municipal and agricultural zoning as well as any other matters.

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Administrative and labour law

Our professionals in administrative and labour law provide high-quality, comprehensive legal services to our clients to support their individual and collective working relationships with commercial and manufacturing businesses of all sizes from different sectors (private, public and parapublic).

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Civil and commercial litigation

Our litigation professionals bring their expertise to bear on matters in the construction and environmental fields as well as many other areas.

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Environmental and land-use planning law

Our professionals specializing in environmental law can help you navigate the legislative and procedural maze of acquiring a licence to start up or continue your activities or verifying that your current and future operations are compliant with the legislation in force. They can also represent you before environmental authorities when necessary.

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News and posts

16 July 2021
By KSA group
On July 2, 2021, the Superior Court (the Honourable Damien St-Onge) rendered judgment dismissing Groupe Beaudet’s (hereafter “Beaudet”) claim for damages against Promotions sportives Jérôme Inc., a corporation operated by Mr. Marian Stastny. In his judgment, the Honourable Damien St-Onge concluded that Beaudet’s claim was unfounded. Beaudet alleged having concluded a commercial lease with Stastny for… ...