
Ms. Cindy Morin joined the notary team of the firm in 2014 and has been a schareholder of Côté Ouellet Thivierge firm since 2022. Over the years, Ms. Morin, who practices at the Rivière-du-Loup office, has specialized in business law, joining the firm’s team of expert notaries who are dedicated to supporting their business clients. She also offers her clients her expertise in real estate law (purchase and financing of a property) as well as in personal and family law (wills, protective mandate and estate settlement).

Ms. Morin is also accredited in non-contentious procedures before a notary, allowing her to settle cases of homologation of protective mandates and the opening of protective regimes for incapable persons.


September 2022 : Planned Giving Committee – Maison Desjardins for palliative care of the KRTB.

2019 to 2021 : She is a member of the BNI – Rivière-du-Loup organization, which focuses on networking and business recommendations.


Lectures and presentations

She has given lectures on the operation of the firm’s corporate vault and on the settlement of an estate.

She occasionally gives lectures on wills and mandates of protection to certain organizations in the region.


Year of admission to the profession : 2014

2013 : Degree in notary law, D.D.N., Laval University.

2011 : Bachelor’s degree in law, LL. B., Laval University.


Business law

Bookkeeping, minutes and trusts

Business leases

Business start-ups

Family business transfers

Formation of corporations and incorporation


Mergers and acquisitions

Real estate




Human rights Law

Common law contracts

Living trusts

Marriage contracts

Powers of attorney and mandates in case of incapacity

Solemnization of marriages and civil unions

Trusts under will


Non-contentious matters

Application for prescription

Establishing guardianship of a minor

Mandate homologation in case of incapacity

Institution of protective supervision (tutorship, curatorship)

Probate of holograph will or will made before witnesses

Real estate law




Evaluation of real estate titles

Offer to purchase

Real estate mortgage

Sales (residential or commercial)


Services related to a notary’s functions as a public officer

Authorization for minors to travel outside the country

Certifying of various documents


Movable hypothecs with or without delivery

Surety bonds


Appointment of a liquidator

Declaration of heredity

Declaration of transmission of movable or immovable property

Inventory of the deceased’s property

Passing of accounts and sharing

Reading of wills

Renunciation of a succession

Will searches

Côté Ouellet Thivierge

646 Lafontaine Street, Suite 100
Rivière-du-Loup, QC G5R 3C8
Téléphone : 418-863-5050
Télécopieur : 418-862-2404